Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect at my first massage therapy appointment?
On your first visit, please arrive a few minutes early to fill in a health history form. Your Therapist will then complete a questionnaire with you regarding your health and current situation. There may be some assessments completed and then the Therapist will have you get on the massage table.
What do I need to wear?
You may take off clothing to your comfort level; always leaving your underwear on.
Will my privacy be respected?
You will be properly draped to respect your privacy and integrity at all times but please let your therapist know if you are not comfortable with any position or technique that they are using.
What happens after the appointment?
After the session your Therapist may give you some stretches or inform you of changes you can make to improve your health and wellbeing. They may also go over a treatment plan with you for the management of your situation. After your appointment, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water to flush any toxins that are released into the bloodstream and to help your body to prolong the benefits of the massage treatment.
When do I pay for my treatment?
Payment is expected at the time of service unless otherwise arranged.
How can I make payment?
We currently accept cash, EFTPOS or booking & payment online.
What happens if I cancel my appointment?
Please click below to refer to our Cancellation Policy.